Connecting Student Voices
It is very important that the voice of students and other learners is clearly heard in developing any inclusive learning strategies, resources, environments, and materials. INCLUDE encourages learners to connect with each other and with the broad educational community. A Student Voice Blog will be hosted by interested learners and will reach out to learners in higher education who have questions about and solutions for building improved inclusive educational experiences for learners. Learner resources will be developed and shared.
Student Voice Blog

October 2021
Design Universal Para Aprendizagem: construindo um currículo accessível a todos
By Valguenia Ferné de Souza Torres
Valguenia Ferné de Souza Torres recently completed this thesis on the application of UDL to promote literacy among disadvantages students.
Este E-Zine é o produto final da pesquisa: Contribuições do Design Universal para Aprendizagem à prática educativa inclusiva: um estudo no âmbito da alfabetização e multiletramentos, do Mestrado Profissional em Educação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul -USCS, sob a orientação da professora Dra. Elizabete Cristina Costa Renders. A proposta é apresentar alguns conceitos sobre o Design Universal par Aprendizagem (DUA), sugerir alguns recursos multimodais para o planejamento com base nos princípios do DUA.

September 2021
Realizing Students Inclusive Voice Potential Within a Blended Learning Space During Covid-19.
By Anastasia Kennett
This conference poster was accepted to be presented at the RAISE Partnership SIG in 2021 and was created to highlight the benefits that were gained through working within a student/staff partnership to create the first Student Voice Conference in the Maghreb. Students were recruited from all over the world by INCLUDE (University of Worcester, England) and ICEQ (University of Ibn Zohr, Morocco) and were placed in leadership roles to enable the students voice to be utilised throughout the conference, from its inception to its end. The Student Voice Conference was made by students for students and an accessible version of the poster can be found below.

May 2020
Simple but Powerful Learning Strategies for Information Overload
By Hicham Beddari
Studying at the university is meant to be an eye-opening and exciting experience. In order to reach this main goal, major learning obstacles must be overcome. As university students, we are overwhelmed by loads of information that we keep receiving, almost, on daily basis. Remembering and using them properly and efficiently, when needed, is of great importance to ensure success without much anxiety.
By using learning strategies that work best for you, the huge amount of information begins to ease, and the learning anxiety is bound to lower down. Memory strategies, structured reviewing, guessing strategies, and affective strategies, to name a few, would help serve the desired purpose.

May 2020
La conception universelle de l’apprentissage (CUA) est-elle un besoin local ou un « concept étranger » ?
Par: Rabiaa Lahrach
Il s’est avéré, dans de nombreux pays de l’hémisphère sud, que les programmes et cours ne sont pas toujours accessibles à l’ensemble des apprenants, ne répondent pas suffisamment à leurs besoins et attentes et ne s’adaptent pas nécessairement à leurs différences et styles d’apprentissage. Plusieurs études et rapports internationaux (banque mondiale, 2018 ; UNESCO, 2017) ont révélé que la rigidité des curricula, la complexité des situations d’apprentissage, l’uniformité des tâches et la non attractivité des sujets à étudier, seraient à l’origine de plusieurs problèmes dont souffrent ces pays : taux d’abandon et de redoublement très inquiétants, des résultats peu satisfaisants et des formes d’exclusion enregistrées auprès des filles et des garçons en situation d’handicap.
Comment la conception universelle de l’apprentissage (CUA) pourrait être utile aux pays du sud ?
Download the English translation of this post in PDF format…

May 2020
My Remote Learning Experience during COVID-19 Lockdown
Mohsine Wahib
Once declared as a pandemic, the Coronavirus has significantly modified almost all of our daily activities. Working is being done online, entertaining is being done online, and of course, schooling can’t be performed in any way but online. Schools are closed!
Education could be among the most vital sectors that have been hit hard by the COVID-19 outbreak. As a Moroccan university student, I have found myself lost since the early days of this COVID-19 lockdown, just like every other student on earth who is experiencing this rapid transition to online learning. The way learning used to look like has completely changed now. The remote learning seems to me like starting to be a student for the first time in my life. It is a learning environment where I felt the need to learn how to study over again, how to engage myself in the learning process again, and how to rearrange my own wide range of learning needs.
Looking at my journey of remote learning makes me sadly realize how it is not very pleasing to me.

May 2020
Pourquoi je souhaite que mon Université ait la CUA ?
Si chaque étudiant est différent, comment peut-on offrir un environnement qui permet à tous de s’épanouir ? En tant qu’étudiante universitaire, je rejoins la voix des étudiants du monde pour dire qu’il est plus juste, plus équitable et surtout plus efficace que nos programmes d’études soient universellement conçus pour répondre à nos divers besoins.
Download the English translation of this post in PDF format…

May 2020
L’apprentissage à l’époque de la COVID-19
Par : Mohamed BOUFOUS
Malgré le caractère imprévu de cette crise sanitaire, et la suspension des cours présentiels suite à la fermeture des établissements scolaires et universitaires, les élèves et les étudiants continuent de suivre leurs apprentissages grâce aux cours dispensés à distance par leurs professeurs. Les immenses options que l’apprentissage à distance offre en termes de variété de ressources, de modes d’accessibilité et de moyens de présentation, nous poussent à réfléchir aux principes de la Conception Universelle de l’Apprentissage (CUA) qui s’alignent parfaitement avec de telles possibilités.
Tu es un étudiant et tu souhaites profiter des principes de la CUA dans ton apprentissage? L’apprentissage à distance offre des conditions qui s’harmonisent très bien avec la CUA. Mise sur les pratiques efficaces et efficientes, et n’oublie pas que la CUA vise la réussite de vous tous!
Download the English translation of this post in PDF format…

May 2020
I’m not disabled, I’m DIFFERENT
by Yousra El Amiri
Are we limited because of what we do not have, or can we be limitless because of what we have? Too often do people limit themselves because they fear criticism. They fear being labeled as ‘disabled’.
Looking back at my own education, I remember realizing that I wasn’t as normal as the other kids in my classroom. I remember feeling absolutely appalled by the fact that my peers were quick-witted while I was slow on the uptake.
Click on the images below to link to the relevant resources described below….

National Center for College Students with Disabilities
Find free information for students, parents, families, high school and college faculty and staff. The NCCSD is a federally-funded
national center in the U.S.
for college and graduate students with any type of disability,
chronic health condition, or mental or emotional illness.
CAST – Workforce Development Needs – The world of workforce development is changing. CAST’s expertise in learning can help develop the diverse workforce of the future. Watch this video to learn more…