Develop accessible and universally designed physical spaces and instructional curricula through the design models, activities, and examples. Share your own curriculum design strategies and ideas, and develop partnerships for future efforts.
Curriculum Design
Curriculum Design – Join with others around the world who are using, developing and sharing ideas and models for inclusive curriculum designs and products. Share your own work here in inclusive curriculum design with others.
Assessment – To make the entire education system inclusive, it is also crucial to develop ways to ensure meaningful participation of all learners in the expression of their knowledge. Therefore, assessments need to be rethought to provide all learners, including those with differing needs and disabilities, equitable opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned. Learn more about the assessment frameworks & models, and discover opportunities to share your own work on designing inclusive assessment systems with others.
App design
App Design – Would you like to know more about how to design apps that can support more inclusive learning for all? Do you have knowledge in designing apps that you want to share? Watch this space for more information and discussion about inclusive app design.
Physical spaces
Physical Spaces – How can physical spaces be more universally designed to meet the needs of all learners for physical access? What can these spaces look like? Share your own experiences in developing accessible physical spaces through universal design (UD).
Resources for Building Inclusive Instruction
What is available that can help you connect to existing, new, and perhaps better tools and ideas regarding developing inclusive materials and learning experiences? Which organizations, agencies, universities and experts have resources to share? What do other professionals have to say about the effectiveness of these resources? This is the information that you will find in this area of the INCLUDE website.
Click on the images below to link to the relevant resources described below….

Accessible Instructional Materials (AEM) Center @ CAST National/International Resources on AEM, implementing AEM, & the US National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS). Learn the basics of accessible materials and technologies (and more!)

CAST, Inc.
National/International Center for Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a research-based set of principles to guide the design of learning environments that are accessible and effective for all.

Transforming Higher Education through Universal Design for Learning: An International Perspective. Sean Bracken & Katie Novak (Eds).
Providing insight into the background, theory and practical applications of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), this book examines and shares best practice in UDL implementation worldwide to provide strategies for strengthening student accessibility, engagement and learning outcomes through the development of flexible learning environments.

Universal Access Through Inclusive Instructional Design: International Perspectives on UDL. Susie L. Gronseth & Elizabeth M. Dalton (Eds)
This book explores the ways that educators around the world reduce barriers for students with disabilities and other challenges by planning and implementing accessible, equitable, high-quality curricula. Incorporating key frameworks such as Universal Design for Learning, these dynamic contributions highlight essential supports for flexibility in student engagement, representation of content, and learner action and expression. This comprehensive resource—rich with coverage of foundations, policies, technology applications, accessibility challenges, case studies, and more—leads the way to design and delivery of instruction that meets the needs of learners in varying contexts, from early childhood through adulthood.