Featured Conference Blogs

Please explore blogs from the conference attendees and presenters below!

To submit a blog please email your writing to k.howen@worc.ac.uk or scan this QR code:

Blog #13: Uncovering Potential the UDL Way
Blog #12: The Launch of the Journal
Blog #11: UDL: It’s a Win-Win Scenario for All Concerned
Blog #10: Summary of the Parallel Sessions
Blog #9: An Introduction to the Tips, Techniques, and Tools of UDL
Blog #8: Extending Universal Design and UDL Across Society
Blog #7: Towards Global Inclusion
Blog #6: Embracing Inclusivity Through Conference Design
Blog #5: Embracing Universal Design for Learning
Blog #4: Day One
Blog #3: A Journey of Growth: Mentorship, a Rainy Minibus Ride, and Discovering UDL
Blog #2: Universal Design for Learning: An Inclusive Pedagogy
Blog #1: Universal Design for Learning, Inclusive Practice and Global Youth Initiatives