How can physical spaces be more universally designed to meet the needs of all learners for physical access? What can these spaces look like? Share your own experiences in developing accessible physical spaces through universal design (UD).
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NDA – Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
The Centre’s work on Universal Design for the Built Environment involves conducting original research and developing design recommendations for use by professionals on a wide range of building types and spaces, including homes, shared spaces, and educational campuses. All of our research and guidance is available to download for free below.

Center for Universal Design, North Carolina State University
The Center for Universal Design (CUD) is a national information, technical assistance, and research center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal design in housing, commercial and public facilities, outdoor environments, and products. Our mission is to improve environments and products through design innovation, research, education and design assistance.
Archive of materials available, but Center services not active due to funding issues