The INCLUDE Blog is posted throughout the year. Different INCLUDE leaders and educational professionals from around the world share their experiences with inclusive education and UDL, offering their unique ideas and perspectives. For more information, contact Elizabeth Dalton at

Reflecting on the Critical Elements of INCLUDE: Past and Present
By Dr. Richard Jackson, Boston College, USA
Co-Founder of INCLUDE, reflects on the history and future of INCLUDE
Simulations for the future: Reflecting on new directions for INCLUDE
By Dr. Seán Bracken, Head of Department for Education and Inclusion, School of Education at the University of Worcester
Co Founder of INCLUDE, reflects on possible futures for the Collaboratory.

Lessons for UDL from the genesis of Universal Design: Echoes
from the past, portents for the future
By Dr. Seán Bracken, Head of Department for Education and Inclusion, School of Education at the University of Worcester.
Overhauling the ENTR Program Using UDL
By: Katherine Carpenter, Dr. Brad Anderson, Dr. Seanna Takacs

Mission Accomplice: Practicing Antiracism with UDL as White Allies for Systemic Change
By Tracy Galvin, Queens College, Belfast, Northern Ireland; Dr. Eric Moore and Dr. Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, USA
Raising Awareness of Assistive Technology: A New Tool By AHEAD
By Trevor Boland, eLearning and Digital Officer, AHEAD (Association for Higher Education, Access and Disability)

By Dr. Frances Smith, Adjunct Professor, George Washington University and UDL Leadership Fellow, Boston College/CAST
UDL & Blended Learning @ UCT/South Africa
By Judith McKenzie, Associate Professor, Disability Studies Division, University of Cape Town and Director of IDEA (Including Disability in Education in Africa)

UDL in Swedish Higher Education
By Linda Plantin Ewe and Pia Haggblom, Kristianstad University, Sweden
Rear-view mirror from a UK perspective
By Virna Rossi, Ravensbourne University London, United Kingdom

By, Dr. Susie Gronseth, University of Houston and Dr. Elizabeth Dalton, Dalton Education Services International (DESI)
By Dr. Sean Bracken, University of Worcester, UK